Why cant guys take the hint? P.s has background for this topic for better understanding


I have this guy friend lets call him Joe. Joe and I met around 5 years ago at his moms wedding but didnt really talk well few months later my mom enrolled me in this bike shop in which Joe helped at. Joe and I then after that became friends. I was dating Joe's cousin at the time. (a bit of info Joe is not my age or even close to my age. Joe is in his 40s) Joe ended being the only one who got that his cousin was abusing me. Later Joe admits he has sorta feelings for me. He states that he wouldnt do anything cause at the time I was underage. 18th birthday happens. Joe takes things to the next level. He tells me all the things he wpuld love to do to me. Only physical thing that ever happened was a hug and the butt stepped on my big toe. This continues until my current boyfriends comes into the picture. He understood and stopped. Joe still wanted to be friends and I didnt think it qould be a good idea with our strange history so i told joe to hit the road. that didnt happened for very long so I decided to try to get him to ended our friendship. I kept being negative and boring.

It took him two months for him to end our friendship. I miss him cause he was a great listener and we be mature about my problems but why did it take him so long to get the hint???