Are foreign languages taught in schools (in your country)?


Not sure if controversial but thought I’d ask.

I ask, because I was watching this show and someone said “This thing is no bueno” and the American in the room didn’t know what “no bueno” meant. Many people in the comment (it was on YouTube) didn’t seem to know what it meant either.

I went to school in The Bahamas and Spanish was mandatory in high school and I can have full conversations in Spanish. Also, when I went to school in Senegal (West Africa). We speak French there, but also English is a mandatory foreign language to learn, as well as another foreign language. Most people picked Italian and/or Spanish. Many of my Senegalese friends can speak 4 languages. I can only speak 3.

So I’m just wondering, are foreign languages taught as a mandatory class around the world? Or just an elective? Or not at all?

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