Clingy two year old...

My son turned 2 on Feb 23rd and for the past two days we’ve been staying w my parents until we move into our place next month. I am so bored all day w just my son & me bc he won’t let me do anything I need to do! And when I try, he throws a fit. I leave the front room tv on all day for him to glance up at, we play, do learning activities, run around, etc. I purposely wait to do my work from home job bc he comes messing w the laptop. So I don’t watch tv, don’t have social media, can’t get dressed bc he gets irritated & wants me to pick him up. He has plenty of food, toys, shows to watch & I am literally sitting here all day doing nothing bc while he’s watching his show after he’s finished playing for a while, he’ll come mess up the laptop as I said. My husband is away for work right now, I have scoliosis & am expecting another child. Don’t know what else to do... I feel my depression coming back up