Advice needed

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 5 years now. I’m struggling because I’m always alone and hardly see him. He works his day job m-f- he leaves our house around 6am and works until 4:30pm. Then after he finishes up with his day job, he goes to meet his father to work on a side job. He makes pretty good money at his day job. He doesnt get home from the side job until 9:30-10pm. On the weekends he goes with his dad to work on the side job early in the morning- like 6:30am and again won’t get home until 9:30-10pm. I always tell him how I want to see him and do more things with him. I’m beginning to think he just doesn’t want to see me or do anything with me. I just feel like I’m in a constant battle with his dad. This last side job they got into his dad threatened him that if he didn’t help him then he was done with him and wouldn’t give him anymore side work.

This past weekend he took me to New Hampshire for a night because he promised me for 3 weeks after the job was done we would go. It was great but now I’m right back where I started. The job apparently isn’t done because he’s back working with his dad on it.

Once in a while, he doesn’t work with his dad. Like once every couple weeks. He will go over to clean the pigs and stay there until 8:30pm to help him around his house before he comes home. They have a deal that he cleans the pigs if his dad buys the feed and bedding. There’s nothing I can do about it. But it bothers me that he doesn’t want to come home and see me. He hardly helps out with our chores around our house. I have to remind him to take the garbage out and to mow the lawn.

It upsets me so much. I just don’t feel important and I’ve told him quite a few times I didn’t feel like a priority. Ive also told him I was done. He just says “I dont want to be done, I love you.” I just feel like when his dad says jump, he will jump. And I feel like he isn’t ready or doesn’t want to start a life with me

I don’t know what to say or do anymore... I’m just tired of being alone and begging him for his attention...
