A woman's role.

I live with my boyfriend and his grandparents. His grandma is always telling him that she thinks I'm not fulfilling my role as a woman because I don't cook for him all the time or clean up after him. I work 4 days but 10 hour shifts at a warehouse, i wake up at 4 because i start at 5 am😣. When I get home I'm really tired all I want to do is sleep. But I do cook for him every other day or so. But I feel like it's unfair for her to think I should be taking care of him like a child when he needs to help out too we both work we both struggle why do I have to be the only one doing more. It's not fair and I think it's an old fashioned way of thinking. I just can't wait for the day that me and babe get our own place because I hate being looked down at for not "fulfilling a woman's role". What do you girls think? Is it wrong for me to think it should be 50/50?