Inconsiderate DH - rage rant

DH works full time. I work part time 3 days a week. To keep my hostility at bay, I make a list of things he does daily that helps me out- to help me focus on the positive. Often, the only thing on the list is “went to work”. Low standards equal zero disappointment.

Today, he came home from work and announced he was going to the gym so he could not help getting our daughter down for nap. After a 30 minute nap our dog wakes her up with his barking. I take her to swim lessons, where of course she a melt down. Come home entertain her and make dinner as he CONTINUES to watch TV. He returns to bed because he works early. As I clean up dinner/dishes and entertain, he watches TV. During bath time and bedtime stories, he continues to do whatever on his phone. Our daughter is finally asleep so I hop in the shower. She wakes up upset. I get out soaking wet to explain to her, she can wait in her room or my room while I finish showering. She goes to her room continues to through a tantrum as I finish up showering. Husband yells at the bathroom door, that he has to be at work in the morning (so do I) and that I need to pick another time to finish my shower and come take care of our daughter.

The doors that slammed. I finally get our daughter to calm down enough for me to get dressed and as I am struggling in the dark, he says to me “can I help you with something”

Yes, she is spoiled but all I can think is this my life? A partner who prioritizes only his well being? My rage has simmered due to little one that loves to jump on my bladder. I love my children and I know I could never provided them with the life they have now on my own. Depressing but true. I just had to rant to stop myself from complaining to friends that already question the livelihood of my marriage