Slut shaming on YouTube.

Bryn • bee you🐝

So there is this channel on YouTube called “Girl Defined” and they are a Christian based YouTube channel. Most of their videos talk about flirting and sexual desire. Now I do believe in freedom of religion and they have the right to express their views but they always say that “we as Christian women have to be pure.” Sorry but to my understanding the bible just says you can’t have sex until you are married, not that you have to dress modestly (they have several videos on that) or that you have to wear makeup in a “god honoring” way (they have one video on that as well). So I was just curious about what you guys think of this. I personally feel like they are not only taking the bible out of context but also possibly causing tween/teen girls to think that they can’t explore their sexuality. Please leave your opinions because I am very interested in if you guys feel the same way.