Working past your issues...

My previous relationship was a doozy. It was my first real adult relationship, I was 19 when I met him. Nearly 8 years of my life, and three kids. He was abusive, controlling and played me like a violin. I have so many trust issues.

Fast forward to now, I’m in a nearly 2 year relationship with an amazing man. We’ve had a few bumps and mishaps, but overall he is about as trustworthy and devoted as you can get.

But, I’m still paranoid. Still overreacting if he even seems like he is being a bit shady. I snoop, I ask him questions, and if I have any suspicion I become obsessed. I realize i’m being nearly as terrible as my ex was.

Therapy is a good thought, but I have no health insurance right now, and money is tight. Seeking therapy would have been a very smart thing to do after my previous relationship ended...but I didn’t. Guess I thought I could manage all this on my own. But now I know I have some major issues...any self help suggestions? One day I may be in a place to seek therapy, but that time isn’t now. And I’m afraid I’ll really mess up the best thing thats happened to me and my children. Him.