
Today I went to the dentist for the first time in 5 years.

I told my dentist my only concern being that I grind my teeth a lot.

My dentist had told me that I could get a mouth guard to absorb the shock but the more beneficial route would be to get braces. Essentially my teeth don’t properly fit at the angle they’re in so that’s the reason why I grind my teeth.

I don’t necessarily want braces I asked him about how long would they be in for and he said year and half to 2 years but how accurate is that?

I guess it’s mainly cause I already have straight teeth and I’m not a teen anymore into my early twenties (still young I know) it just feels a little weird to me. Including hearing and seeing all my friends go through the hassle of pain and everything else that involves braces.

I’m open to having braces but at the same time not really. It’s one foot in and foot out type of situation.