I hate my face

I have a really small chin and it makes me look ugly. It sucks because the only way to fix it is plastic surgery

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You are your worst critic, as they say. Looking at you, your chin is perfectly normal. Its not something that stands out to make people notice. You're beautiful -- learn to believe that and love yourself. No need for plastic surgery...at all.


Posted at
I know you've probably heard this a billion times, but it's true! It doesn't matter how you look on the outside. All that matters is what's on the inside.


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I honestly think you look totally fine! However I understand insecurities and get that you want to "fix" it. Do you by any chance know if you have an overbite? Sometimes the ways our jaws are might give us different profiles. You might want to look to getting braces if that's the case or some kind of orthodontic treatment. But if not, I really think yoy look good. We all have different views of our selfs and I understand an insecurity, I have many of my own but I'm sure if you really really want to change that about yourself that there are other options out there. Maybe do research? Best of luck, you're beautiful either way!


Michelle • Jul 19, 2018
Maybe after you're done with the braces it will look more how you want it to. But again explore other options. I believe there is a non surgical derma filler you can try to make the chin appear bigger. But try researching it before trying.