Am I wrong here?

My husband loves to play basketball. Since the day we got together, he has played multiple times a week with his friends at the park. A few hours a couple days a week. As we grew as a couple and got married and had kids and stable jobs, he wasn’t able to go as often as he likes to, but he still goes at least once a week for 3-4 hours. About 5 months ago he joined a league, and played every Sunday morning at the league. And then practiced every Saturday night. The league was EXTREMELY unorganized, they’d say my husbands team was to play at 10am, and they wouldn’t start their game until 12pm and he wouldn’t get home until 3 or 4, especially if they went out to eat or celebrate afterwards. My husband works Tue-Sat, his days off are Sundays and Monday. But he would be gone all day Sunday for this league and then we would only have a few hours together as a family on Monday- meanwhile I was stuck at home with the kids and zero breaks. I expressed to him that I didn’t think he should join the league again, because it was so unorganized and he wouldn’t send me a courtesy text when it would take longer than we thought. Anyway, he said he’d think about it, but he had a two month break between seasons so hopefully everything would be fixed by then. Tonight, he got a text from his team captain, and said the league was back on, after only two weeks! I thought we’d get a two month break, and it was only two weeks. And now I’m frustrated because I know they didn’t have enough time between seasons to get more organized, and I just want my husband to be able to spend time as a family. I’m home alone with the kids all day every day. He works 8am-8pm every day, basically from the time the kids get up and then go to sleep. And on Saturdays he goes and plays at the park with his friends from the time he gets home from work, to 11pm. Sunday’s, he had his league, And Mondays are always spend him sleeping and relaxing from his long week. I just want a break too, I know he deserves it, but I’m starting to feel like a single mom. 😭 I’ve tried talking to him about it, but he doesn’t understand where I’m coming from. He’s going to join the league again and I feel like it might seriously impact our relationship.