Trouble with 22 month old staying in bed


So probably 2 months ago we put our son in a toddler bed because he was sleeping well and had a good routine and we need the crib for baby #2 in August. He did great, stayed in, slept well, no issues. Here and there when not feeling well or something we have had him wake in the middle of the night and not want to go back to bed.

However recently this is happening more and more often. He will go to bed like normal, wake up at any point during the night crying and REFUSE to be in his room let alone his bed. We have to take him out of his room to get him to calm down (doesn't seem like he scared but more like he's fighting sleeping). Most times he falls asleep on the couch and we take him back in his room once asleep. Sometimes we spend hours in the middle of the night trying to get him back to bed without waking up and starting all over again.

Just looking for any advice or someone who has dealt with something similar. Baby #2 is arriving in 5 weeks and I'm desperate to get him back to his "normal".

I've even considered buying a 2nd crib and putting him back in one so that he can at least safely cry himself back to sleep