ex bf..

This might be a long post, so I'm sorry.

My ex and I were together for 5 years. At that moment I thought he was the love of my life and I really wanted to marry him and start a family. Our last year together waa very messy, always arguing. He used to constantly put me down, call me names, and push me when we would argue. He never really hit me but he used to tell me he wanted to beat the shit out of me so bad. I was so scared of him. He wouldn't let me have friends or social media. I wasn't allowed to wear tight clothes. Every time I went over to his house, i would have to buy him food if not he would throw a fit and would tell me to go home. Even if I didn't had enough money. He didn't had a job for 2 years just cause he didn't want to work, so even during that time he would demand for things. I still tried to support him. Like any other couple, we had our good times and I would hang on to them so tight because that's what kept me going.

I was so scared to leave but I did. I was losing myself.

It's gonna be almost 2 years since I left and yesterday he sent me an email telling me how sorry he is and all he wanted to do was marry me. I just don't understand why it took him so long? Why he didn't try when we were together, when I asked him to try just like I was trying. I loved him so so much and he will always be a memory in my heart but now I'm in a happy place. I met the true love of my life and now we're expecting our first baby together. I couldn't ask for a more perfect man.

What do you think? What would you do? Ever been through something like this?