*Possible Trigger warning* Should online trolling be a criminal offence?



Katie Price (ex model) is fighting for a law called “Harvey’s law” to be enforced. She has reached out to UK parlaiment.

Her son, Harvey is legally blind. He also has autism and Prader-Willi Syndrome.

He is constantly a victim of online troll comments, from mocking his disabilities and the way he speaks, to racist comments. (He is half-black, half-white)

These are in the forms of memes and videos.

She has managed to track down some of the trolls and they were arrested, but never charged, much to her frustration.

It goes without saying, online trolling can result in suicide, self harm and a number of other issues. Many people asking the question: How many teenagers need to die before action is taken against trolls?

Katie states: “ I do think if people knew they could be charged with a criminal offence, they might think twice, but because they know there’s nothing in place, that’s why they run their mouth”

Bonus questions:

Do you think this law will be effective?

What do you think the punishment should be?

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