Scared useless of clowns 🤡


So my husband knows I horrified of t if clowns. He has not gotten the pleasure of seeing me pass out or having a panic attack from them until tonight.... So I was looking at my phone and he said “oh I heard this was a good movie” I said “what is it ? “ he said “I forget the name of it” . it was a bunch of kids in a garage looking threw pictures or something on a projector. I’m not really sure but when I looked up the projector was freaking out. I looked back up and all of a sudden the screen there was a clown plastered across my tv . then it disappeared no longer did it disappear it come back and scared the 💩 out of me. I started crying and freaking out and said “why would you do that you know I’m scared of them “ 😭😭😭 and he just laughed as I’m in a ball crying. now I’m sick because getting scared up sets my stomach needless to say he turned on the new “it” I seen Steven Kings it it didn’t scare me even tho I’m petrified of clowns. I’m mostly not going to sleep tonight I know I sound dramatic. But I’m that scared of them the one time I had a clown jump out at me in a haunted house I passed out. they had to shut it down and carry me out 😳. it’s like a actual phobia!

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