What am I missing?

I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant with my first. Here’s my first draft of things to do or get started on:

Meet with OB for confirmation

Find location for water birth (tips?)

Prenatals + Omega-3s

Go for walks to stay active

Kegels + exercises for strong pelvic floor

Extra calories in second + third trimesters

Announcement to parents (ideas?)

Baby shower (recommendations?)

Prep room incl nursing + changing space

Maternity shoot (tips?)

What have I overlooked so far? Please share any tips, tricks or recommendations for the things I noted also! I’m very inexperienced with what’s very possibly coming in my future.

*I will hide your comment if you’re only going to tell me to be sure I’m pregnant first. I only worded it the way I did because I haven’t gotten the final confirmation yet but I know my body. Furthermore, this is just to be prepared. I’m not stressed or overwhelmed (yet) and I’d like to do my best to keep it that way.