I'm going through my second misscarriage RIGHT NOW. and my man has masturbated in the bath! I'm so angry! What are all you're opinions ?

UPDATE: for all you judgemental women, no I don't care if he does it in general, but when I need comfort and support yes it does make me upset, do you know the pain of misscarrying? Feeling like you can't even carry a child, loosing so much blood, yes it upsets me that he's doing that whilst I'm in agony! (FYI) I'm not aloud to masturbate in general because he gets angry, he's binned my vibrator and always makes me swear that I haven't done it to myself. He is emotionally abusive and made me swear yesterday when I was on my own in hospital that I had been there all day because he's so insecure ..

UPDATE: seen as most of you're comments are very rude. here is some more background on my other half----

when I was pregnant he told me that he gave me this baby because i wanted it but he didnt.

Today loosing he told me that this has happened for a reason and maybe we shouldn't be together.

he said to me today that I don't look after him and that all my family have made this misscarriage (about me) and not him...

P.s I'm reading all comments and thanks for (some) of you're kind words. ♥️

LOL UPDATE. We have been TTC nearly two years, he calls it baby making but when we argue he tells me he doesn't want to be stuck with me, I've thought about leaving but he's told me he will make my life hell and he will easily get with someone who apparently deserves him. When we argue he gets his phone out and records me getting angry or crying and then shows his friends/ family and says I'm an absolute crazy lady.

Sorry for this long post I didn't expect so many comments.

- wow you're comments have made me cry, thank you all for the support all my family have told me to leave but he has a son who is two who I adore and like he's even mentioned would be horrible to just leave his life now. I've suggested couples counselling but he replied with 'only i need that' *sigh*

Still reading all comments and you're all giving me strength in this time of need- thank you!

UPDATE- for the woman who has openly just said i am trapping him because he doesn't want a baby he probably likes the feeling of unprotected sex. This has to be the worst comment yet. DO you think we don't talk? Don't you think over the years we have discussed having children, do you think we are 16!?! I'm honestly appalled by you're comment. WE HAVE LOVED BABY MAKING BEFORE I LOST MY TWO. How dare you say he openly says he's ready for kids because he just wants unprotected sex 😂😂😂 UNREAL


for all you women saying 'what a shit show blah blah blah, why haven't you left his ass yet' this is something I'm used too and he turns it on me saying that I'm miserable and I'm the one that starts arguments and that I make him the way he is etc etc .... for the ones that say 'why was you trying for a baby' because he once was an amazing man, he gave me a false sense of security, we are engaged, I was happy, and of course we both agreed on trying for a baby. Definitely wasn't 'trapping him' FYI.