PLEASE HELP!! Need answers


Me and my husband was laying in bed last night and was trying to remember when my last period was and we thought I was late so we got a pregnancy test and it came out negative. Woke up this morning with fresh pee and tried a first response digital gold and it was positive!! Now can you tell how anxious I was of having a positive and a negative. Went to urgent care to see if they would do a blood test they couldn’t but done a urine test and it was negative. I’ve took 2 more test today and was negative. I remembered my period last month I started June 29th 2018, and I’m supposed to start around the 27th of July 2018! I looked it up and it said that the digital can detect HCG levels earlier then the normal 2 line pregnancy test. I’m at a loss for words. I don’t know if I am or not. Anyone else had this problem before, and what was your outcome. We have been TTC for over a year now. 😒