
Okay so this post will talk about butts, poop, and blood. So if any of that makes you uncomfortable please don’t read lol...

But for the past year I would say I have had small traces of blood when I wipe after pooping... nothing too alarming but enough to notice...

I have also had bloating... I thought I have just been gaining weight but for the sake of medicine I will throw that out there. It’s almost like I’m getting chunkier but it’s strictly in my belly area and it’s hard. Like I’m bloated and not squishy like belly fat is

What caused me to write this post is because tonight I used the restroom #2 and I noticed a significant amount of blood after I wiped. It was enough blood to make me think I started my period. It covered the toilet paper. So being reasonable, I put in a tampon. Later when I removed it and there was not a trace of blood... I believe that’s because the blood came from my butt...

Now I know this sounds goofy.. and a total tmi, but it’s making me super nervous. Idk if this is normal or if anyone has experienced this before. I would love insight. And no judgement please.

Ps. I don’t have health insurance so I rather not go to the doctor if it’s not crucial. Also if I look online I will freak out more because I’m sure it will pop up that it’s cancer or something... so any suggestions or advice?

Info about me:

-21 years old

-no prior health issues

- went to the gynecologist about 2 months ago and was screened (all good)

- have dizzy spells

- I eat a lottt probably not the healthiest of diets

- always tired

- go #2 everyday

- don’t drink often like once or twice a month and hardly ever enough to get drunk

-5 foot 9 inches

-130 lbs