Midwife leaning towards twins


Hi everybody! I had my first baby appt yesterday and as we were unsure about how far along I am due to not getting a period after my previous miscarriage the midwife decided last minute to try and get an image on the abdominal ultrasound machine, she was pretty honest saying the machine is pretty outdated and doesn’t provide the clearest picture and since we didnt plan on trying to get an image I had an empty bladder so my uterus was sitting low. I have felt pretty much since the beginning that I was carrying twins, my sickness has been unreal and my fatigue is pretty extreme, something unlike my other pregnancies which have all ended in miscarriage so it could just be a sign of a healthy pregnancy. I never told her that I felt like I was carrying twins, so she puts the gel on and starts searching and spots a heartbeat and keeps pushing and searching around and she almost immediately goes “I’m thinking there may be more than one in here” my poor boyfriend’s face went pale and I started laughing. She continued looking around different angles and she said it’s hard to tell but she thinks I’m either further along than 8 weeks like we thought or there’s more than one in there. I’ll have my real ultrasound next week where we’ll establish the due date and get a much clearer picture. I’m so nervous and excited at the idea of twins. I’d love to hear from more twin moms on how they found out or how their ultrasounds went