I had 11 pounds baby and unplanned c section with baby staying at Nicu




Should the doctor had my c section scheduled if I had 11 pounds baby?

We ended up almost dying and baby was in NICu for 9 days because he was trying to deliver him naturally and gave me a lot of drugs to induce me and pain killers.

I feel all of this could have been avoided if he would schedule my c section.

It was in NY Presbyterian hospital, doctor Steven Hockstain.

He never even talked to me about the delivery option. Now I have to pay 5000 deductible for this. They made over 200,000 from us.

Is it possible to sue them?

The hospital only gave me 400 credit for my bad experience. I feel that they don’t deserve a dime from me for putting us through this nightmare.

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Posted at
The amount of your deductible is part of your insurance plan and has nothing to do with the hospital. A scheduled c-section would not have been less than your deductible, so you still would owe that. You should always have the amount of your deductible in savings should you have medical bills that unexpectedly arise. Many hospitals are willing to set up a payment plan though if needed. As for the NICU, it’s possible the child would have needed it even with a scheduled c-section. They use drugs for those as well. I was under general anesthesia for mine so my son was born sedated which caused him to need breathing assistance. I’m not going to sue the hospital for that. It doesn’t sound like the doctor was negligent or intentionally harmful. You could have brought up the possibility of a c-section prior to delivery if it was a concern. You also could have declined medications during labor. Birth has many risks for the mom and the baby. There are many situations in which the life of one or the other is at risk, mine included. Medical care is also expensive. Our bill was nearly $100k (125k if you include the hospitalization at 29 weeks). We gladly paid our deductible because we are grateful to not owe the full amount since it would bankrupt us. I empathize with your delivery not being what you imagined, but focus on the positives and not the dollar amount. You have an amazing child 🙂


Posted at
I’m sorry you had a bad birth experience. But it is possible to deliver an 11lb baby, maybe not for yourself, but there are some people who have done t, which could be why you weren’t scheduled ahead of time. Also even with ultrasound, there is no exact way to predict how big your baby actually is, when I had mine they said they can try & predict how big but even through ultrasound it isn’t guaranteed just a guess so they can’t always go by that. I hope you & baby are doing well now & everyone is going to be okay!


Posted at
I know people that had 10-11 lb babies naturally. You sign waivers about not suing them. I’m sorry you had a bad experience but births are not totally safe I’m not sure what you would sue them for exactly. You would have had a deductible either way. C sections are over $35,000.


Br • Jul 21, 2018
I know a girl who delivered an 11 pound baby at home with a midwife. I


Anne 💙💙💙 • Jul 21, 2018
Also the hospital didn’t make $200,000 from you. It’s not like they pocket all the money insurance gives them. They have expenses to pay as well.


Posted at
I’m sorry you had a bad experience. But there was no way to know your baby was 11 pounds and plenty of people have 11 pound babies naturally.


chellemama • Jul 24, 2018
I don’t understand what you are trying to say? It doesn’t sound like the hospital made a mistake at all. Birthing is just always going to have some risks. It is not 100% safe ever.


Claudia • Jul 23, 2018
It is the mistake that made them over 200000. Isn’t it convenient to make mistakes like that?


Claudia • Jul 23, 2018
They made 220,000 from the Insurance not from me


Posted at
Your details are a bit vague, did they suspect that you were carrying a large baby? There is always the chance of complications even with small babies. Some women just have a narrow pelvis. There is no way to know that ahead of time. Some babies swallow meconium during birth that isn't something a doctor can predict either. In what way do you think that he neglected you?


KristyB • Jul 27, 2018
My Drs offer an elective c section if they suspect the baby to be over 9 pounds. My son was estimated to be just under 9 but his shoulders were measuring very large(larger than his head). So we had a c section. We wouldn't have known if I didn't have Gestational diabetes and additional scans.


KristyB • Jul 27, 2018
Did they give you an estimate on weight then?


Claudia • Jul 27, 2018
37 I believe


Posted at
Honestly be thankful they even have you 400$ 🤷🏽‍♀️ you sign many papers that go over all the risks of delivery. It is also YOUR responsibly to voice any concerns you had prior to the delivery. As stated before many women have delivered 11lb babies all natural. Each situation is different. At this point pay your bill and be thankful that you have a beautiful child.


Posted at
My husband was 11lbs 6oz and my mother in law pushed him out just fine. I understand that you feel you've been put through the ringer and you have, but you can't entirely fault the hospital or the doctor. Some woman are able to do this. Did the doctor know your baby was so big before the birth? If so, why didn't YOU ask for a csection? When my son was born, he was 10lbs and the doctor knew he'd be big but was thinking around 8.5lbs not 10.4lbs! It really can't be just pinned on the doctor. You're experience was horrible yes but child birth is no walk in the park. By all means talk to a lawyer and see what they say but it kind of seems like money fishing to me.