Welcomed our Rainbow in April❤️

Our rainbow was a HUGE unexpected blessing. I struggle with PCOS and infertility. We were under the impression that although I chose to take Metformin that it would take a year or longer. Well...

Started metformin a few days before my period ended on June 26th 2017. Tracked my O time frame and conceived our daughter with positive results on July 27th 2017.

My pregnancy was high risk due to being obese and having had multiple losses.

Let’s fast forward to delivery.

I found my doctor at 36 weeks pregnant. We had moved 2hrs from where my MFM & OBGYN group was located due to my husband’s job. This doctor was ok. He knew from 37 weeks that I needed a medically necessary c-section due to a compromised pelvis. The weeks went on and still no scheduling. By 39 weeks I was in and out of L&D; for decreased movements and my hypertension kicking in really bad. Every visit he’s send me home and tell me it was all fine😡.

I NEVER dilated, no water breaking, no contraction ...NO LABOR!!

I was 40 weeks 5 days when he finally delivered me via scheduled c-section. My daughter had her cord wrapped around her neck, was positioned high up under my chest and I lost a bit of blood; more than normal. I was in and out due to the amount of morphine they pumped into me plus the blood loss. I missed my daughter’s first cry and to this day I don’t remember at what point my husband joined me in the operating room.

Thankfully the doctor did a fantastic job closing me up; dissolvable stables were done internally (I see them all the time when I check my incision area) and I was glued closed externally. It was really weird. Now 3 months PP I have almost a nonexistent scar❤️

But I’ll never go back to that doctor again.