(Posting anonymously because my family doesn’t know yet)

So... I don’t even know where to begin.

My fiancé and I have been trying to conceive since February. I have a 3 year old son from a previous relationship who I absolutely adore. I figured this was a good age to have another, and honestly I’m hoping it will be my last should everything work out well.

About a week before my period was due, I had light pink blood after sex. I thought it was my period coming early, so I counted myself out and put a tampon in before going about my day. Took it out later to change it- no blood. Thought that was weird, but decided to wait it out.

A couple days later I had intermittent upper abdominal pain in the center, along with diarrhea. I really thought I was getting sick, but it only lasted that day and was gone the next. Period is now a week late, but it was last month as well before AF showed up.

Tonight at work I started dry heaving, so I thought maybe I needed a snack. I had my fiancé bring one to me, along with an 88c rest from Walmart just in case. I didn’t even wait for it to dry before taking this, because I was SHOCKED!


The picture below was the picture I took first where I didn’t wait for it to even finish reading. I took the above picture for my mom just in case I accidentally throw the test away before seeing her tomorrow. My bad!