need advice on my child's father

so me and my BD ended things when I was around 8 weeks, I'm now 24weeks pregnant. at the time we were both going thru a lot of different things and said things we didn't mean (I said things I didn't mean anyway) now the last few days I've been wanting to reach out to him to let him know I never got an abortion and that we're expecting a son. I want to be civil with him so my baby can have his father in his life but I'm scared of what he'll say back to me. I just need advice on what to do whether or not I should let him know. this is the message I planned on sending "I want to be civil with you. I never got an abortion, and a few weeks ago I found out we're having a boy. He looks a lot like you, and I don't think it's fair to keep him from his dad and or not tell you about him. I've been debating on whether or not to message you and let you know. But thinking of him and his future I thought I would so you can be there for him, cause Ik he wants his dad in his life as well. "

please help