Opinions on timeline for a possible pregnancy?

First day of my last period was the 23rd of June, had sex the 28th, the 7th, and the 16th (I'm not taking ovulation tests as we were super actively TTC, just letting whatever happens happen). According to glow I was fertile between the 3rd and the 8th). Around the 8th I had light cramps. The 10th I got queasy in the car on a trip to Glacier, starting the 12th my boobs were so sore and now my nipples have been sensitive and tender for the past week. Passing gas quite often and have noticed a lot of smells lately that others have not. Have also been bloated and hungry!! AF is due on the 21st (although sometimes I'm a day or two late naturally). Does that timeline make any sense to you all? Could I have gotten pregnant from one of those three days? Im afraid to test both in case it's positive or in case it's negative lol. Just would like opinions before I get my hopes up. Thanks!!