Early gender scan??


Anyone have a gender scan done at 13w5d and the gender ended up being correct?? Some backstory: So my husband and I recently went into a private ultrasound scan to find out the gender at 15 weeks and 2 days. I was usually measuring about 3 days behind so I thought 14w5d shouldn’t be too off from 15 weeks to do an early gender scan. Well I went into the ER the next day at 15w3d due to contraction like pains. They had me do another ultrasound to make sure everything was ok with the baby and found out I was measuring at 14 weeks instead of the 15 weeks I thought I was at. This meant that when we went in for the gender ultrasound, I was only 13w5d. The ultrasound technician in the ER was telling us that it’s still super early to determine what gender the baby is at 14 weeks since the genitals haven’t developed enough yet. So anyone able to tell gender correctly at 13w5d?