Is my family member disappointed? Should I be pissed?

I decided to tell my stepmother of all people (she’s very level-headed typically and a very nice person) that I am pregnant. My biggest concern has been that my father will be disappointed in me for getting pregnant at a “young” age. I’m 23, almost 24, and my husband of one year just turned 22. The pregnancy was a surprise to us, but we are in a decent financial situation (fitting to care for a child), and we are excited to have this baby.

I called my stepmother on the phone and shared the news. As first she was silent. Awkwardly silent. I explained to her that it was a surprise, and she said, “well it doesn’t sound like you WEREN’T trying”. That seemed kind of condescending. First of all, she isn’t aware of mine and my husband’s practices (we use the pill, and I take it regularly). Secondly, this statement and the rest of the conversation was filled with awkward silences and a tone that made me feel so regretful that I even went to her. Am I overreacting, or was this rude? Why would she be upset/disappointed?