Trying to get back into working out


I honestly didn’t think it would be this hard to start back!😩 Im currently 11weeks postpartum and all i wanna do is eat, sleep and lay in bed with my baby😭 I’m breastfeeding so my cravings are just as bad as when I was pregnant, and i’m always tired because well, taking care of a baby is hard work!😂 I’ve only worked out once since having my baby and it felt amazing to do so, but i haven’t got my ass up off the couch since. I thought it would be a breeze to get back into it since i don’t got the big belly in my way anymore.. well fuck im about to look pregnant again if I don’t start working out or eating healthy😩😩 Need some motivation or food ideas or quick workout plans! I’ve done the whole eating healthy, working out and losing 40lbs before I got pregnant, i just need a little help this time because it seems a whole lot easier to just eat sleep and love my baby all day😭💜