Baby mamma drama with new man I’m seeing...

I’m seeing this guy, he’s 27, I’m 22, he also has a 5 year old son. I met his son once and it went very very well. The day I was going to meet his parents I had stayed the night at his apartment and his ex showed up out of no where after my boyfriend was not able to get a hold of her all night to figure out when he was supposed to pick up his son in the morning. She demanded she meet me and my boyfriend asked if I was comfortable and although i was very nervous I said I would meet her. She had a very rude attitude. First thing she said to me was that she wasn’t crazy and then asked what I do for a living. That’s all. Then she asked me if I had questions so I asked about boundaries with their son and she gave me a very snarky response. Then she left with their son and refused to allow him to be with his dad because I was there.

Now don’t get me wrong, I 100% understand where she is coming from, but she could have handled it a lot better, she’s 10 years older then me and I was a lot more mature then her.

What makes this all worse now is that she’s claiming my boyfriend has chosen me over his son, she blew up his phone all day as well as his mom’s about it. Now my boyfriend has to get an attorney involved so they can have a court made custody plan. I feel so bad for him because he’s so worried about me and he reassures me that I don’t have to stay with him and all this drama, and how surprised he is that I haven’t ran away yet.. I know I can handle all this and I’m not going to run, I really like him. I guess I just really needed to vent to someone about all this. It’s been a crazy weekend.

I think what made it worse is that his son really likes me and when we went to the lake together he went back to his mom’s after and wouldn’t stop talking about me. I feel terrible because it probably makes her very jealous and my intention is not to take on a role as his “new mom”. I wish she would have a mature sit down conversation with me...

On a better note, his parents really like me!