

My son has thrown up in the car 2x this week, he had one episode when he was about 13 months but we were on a winding road. Any one else have this issue? He has otherwise been awesome with being in the car, part of me is hoping he just has a little bug right now and isn't actually getting carsick. 3 days ago we were on our way to an important specialist appointment I'd waited 2 months for at UCLA, it took us 2 hours sitting in traffic from Orange county and just as we were getting off the freeway he repeatedly threw up all over himself, his carseat and the backseat, there was no way we could make the appointment, it wouldn't be fair to him. We pulled over at a Ralph's and cleaned him and the carseat the best we could but by the end we were all smelling of puke. It happened aga in n today when we were only in the car for 15 minutes. Anyway, any suggestions of what to do?