Pregnant after a miscarriage!


This last year me and my partner miscarried after three weeks of pregnancy. I had no clue our angel had a different blood type than me. I went to the E.R after a lot of cramping and blood clotting gushing from my private areas. I woke up my partner scared in tears telling him I think I’m loosing the baby. They performed an ultrasound both ways and found nothing but an empty uterus. Our angel had already left us but I was told by the doctor that it might just have been too early to tell.So I went to my follow up appointment hoping there would be good news just to be told the doctor at the ER forgot to run the hcg levels on my blood that day. So the doctor told me you have to go back and get the test done, also gave me a heads up that the symptoms did show as a miscarriage. We rushed to the ER to wait for another few hours with my heart coming up my throat. After so much waiting we found out the news we lost our angel baby, due to different blood types. I still remember how our life changed in an instant. That night I cried myself to sleep and I know we’re still dealing with the depression from our loss. We decided to take some time before trying again. Two months later I find myself urinating often so I took a test yesterday and it came back positive I haven’t had any spotting or cramping with this pregnancy but I’m still nervous and scared as hell. I did get the Rhogam shot right after the last miscarriage but I haven’t for this one. I have to make a doctors appointment today. But I just wanted to share my story and feelings for anyone going trough the same thing. Also is normal to feel so nervous about this second pregnancy? Or am I just letting my past experiences affect this one? Sorry if it’s long btw it was a lot to get off my chest