Sleep regression again??? What to do!

Lula • 🇦🇷&🇳🇱 - Twin mom 🎀👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

Help a twin mom here!!

My babies went from sleeping 11 hours straight to waking up 3 times EACH per night! 😭

They are sleep trained -or were-, sleep in separate bedrooms, have humidifiers, Black out, controlled temperature and all the shit you can imagine. They used to sleep the whole night under the same conditions.

Teething? Who knows! Nothing to be seen yet.

When I give up and give them a bottle they do drink 4oz -once during the night-. They are big chunky babies, so not like they are starving during the day! I offer milk on demand (formula fed). They eat all kind of solids and they love it.


I’m so sleep deprived!

Pic for attention/cuteness

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