My (horrible) birth story of our trio born at 27 weeks


I posted a picture last night but wanted to share my birth story. I’m sitting in the nicu with Kai on my chest right now sleeping away! So now is a good time. I had a pretty amazing pregnancy for triplets honestly. I was gaining good weight no complications still working full time as a nurse and a full time college masters student always on my feet always on the go! Babies were doing wonderful. I was swollen often but i thought it was all the extra weight and being on my feet. I hit 23 weeks and a few days later started having horrible dizzy spells. I had to call my wife or MIL to come get me at work 2 days in a row i was miserable. I couldn’t really keep much down, was so swollen horrible headaches and dizzy most of the time. I called my doctor that day and we went in for a visit. She said my blood pressure was way to high and she wanted to admit me into the hospital on bedrest to try to get me to 32 weeks! She explained how i was getting preeclampsia and it was a risk to me and my babies. ( they were all handling it pretty well).from 23 weeks to 27 weeks seem to drag so bad in the hospital! I was so down and bored i was always crying and just wanted to get up and get moving so bad. Even with all the meds my blood pressure was not getting any better! I was feeling more and more sick! They said that sat the 21st they would induce me and take them at 28 weeks due to how bad i was doing. This was July 15. They did checks every 48 hours to see if i was contracting see how babies were doing but did not have me on Monitor the whole time. That night after i had just got done on the monitor maybe 2 hours prior, i told my wife that i may need to ask my nurse for something to help me go to the bathroom because i had such horrible pressure and pain down there and some in my back. So i keep getting up for hours all night trying to poop! It was such a horrible feeling. Sunday rolls around and it’s not as bad but all thru that day i still had that pressure. The nurse gives me some stool softeners i take them still nothing. Sunday night around 11 pm it’s so bad that I’m up can’t sleep and miserable. Monday morn at around 200am i wake my wife up. I tell her to help me get my iv because i know im finally about to go. At this point my pain is unbearable I’m about to cry. I tell her to get the nurse something is wrong soon as we get into the bathroom my water breaks! So runs to get the nurse who states that I’ve not had any contractions it’s prob not my water that i prob peed 😡🙄. So she says to go to the bathroom and she will come check me when I’m back in bed well i get back in bed the pain is unbearable in my bottom and back! My MIL is here by this point because my wife called her she is causing hell for them saying they better not let anything happen to me. She comes to check me at 215 I’m at 8!!! My blood pressure is 224/126 i now have a temp of 101.1 my heart rate is 134! She calls for the doctor i tell her the pressure has got so much worse at around 220 she said doctor was getting OR ready ( i planned to deliver natural if possible in or ) i tell my MIL i think i feel the head she yells at the nurse who finally comes in and sure enough Kai head is coming out ready or not! They end up cutting me for his shoulders and i still ripped 😫😫. So at this point the nurse has delivered him they rush him back to the nicu with his team of nurses and doctor finally comes in and says guess you get your way on natural. At this point I’m in the worse pain of my life i want an Epidural so bad but of course i cant have one so finally baby #2 comes along 17 mins later this is suppose to be baby B our 2nd little boy! But it comes out a little girl ( who lord we love so much Either way) they rush her off so fast! Then he tells me baby C ( witch is our high risk baby with dwarfism witch we knew by ultrasound ) is having a little trouble coming down! Finally 30 mins later she is coming and I’m bleeding out pretty bad. It happen so fast everyone was screaming at me to push her out as fast as i could and i was so tired i was exhausted. Finally she comes out and they take her away. I couldnt feel my left side of my leg or arm and some in my face about 3 mins after pushing her out! I didnt have an epidural so this wasn’t normal so I’m getting stitched up as fast as possible and moved to emergency CT my blood pressure was 244/167 at this point! I get to CT they get me moved to a room and start blood thinner and giving me blood i was having a stroke from the preeclampsia! I’m recovering well and since they started TPN right away i dont have any major damage. I would have died staying pregnant any longer! Kai was 2lbs 11oz Sarai was 2lbs 2oz and Adira was 1lbs 5 oz! All of them are growing and doing amazing! I’m doing much better. I do have postpartum depression and it’s much harder than i ever thought it would be!