Fractured ankle or fine?

Yesterday I got into a small jet ski accident and last night right above my ankle on the outside of my leg swelled up, and I could barely put weight on it, well I slept with it elevated last night and I woke up and the swelling went down and I could walk on it. Well after just walking to the bathroom it’s swelling up again and is hurting. The ankle bone on the inside of the ankle hurts to. I have slight bruising but not like most that I’ve looked up. I’ve debated on going and getting it checked but I don’t wanna go and then it be nothing. Has anybody experienced anything like this. I’ve never broken a bone or anything so I feel like if it was broken or a small fracture it’d hurt more, dont get me wrong, it hurts quite a bit! I just don’t know😅 I also hate going to the ER so that might be a part of it..