Husband said he found a condom wrapper?!

The weirdest thing happened last night and I just need to get it out because I'm still puzzled over it...

Last night, I went to bed early. Around 11, my husband came to bed and said he found a condom wrapper in the case for my sunglasses when he put my sunglasses in it. I was still half asleep and completely perplexed as I have no idea where that would've come from. I told him there was no way. He said "Okay" in somewhat of a dismissive way and turned away from me. Right at that moment, the baby woke up so I left the room to take care of her. While in the hall, I checked my sunglasses case and it was empty.

When I came back to bed, I told him there was nothing in the case and I was really confused. I'm super sleep deprived due to having a newborn so I don't recall exactly what he said but something along the lines of him throwing it out and it was definitely a yellow condom wrapper. I really didn't feel like arguing about it so I tried to go back to sleep. Of course I couldn't cause the whole situation wrecked my brain!!

This morning, my husband didn't say a word about it. He acted perfectly normal and went to work. We've talked about random things a couple of times since.

I'm so dumbfounded. If you found something like that in your spouse's possession, you'd make a bigger deal out of it, right? I mean, cheating is his worst fear and he's definitely a jealous guy. He wouldn't just let that go just like that. Was he sleep talking? Maybe he has no recollection of it?

This whole thing is consuming me today 🤔

UPDATE: I definitely wasn't dreaming... I did ask him when he got back from work. He said I told him that I didn't know how it got there and he decided to leave it at that. I found that hard to believe because in the past he's pushed pretty hard if he found something suspicious. We touched on how impossible it would be for me to cheat (just had a baby & im home with her 24/7) and if I did, I wouldn't be stupid enough to leave a condom wrapper where he could find it. He agreed, but did mention that sometimes he has dark thoughts because I'm on my phone a lot and put it down when he approaches. I've told him before that I do that out of respect for him because I don't want to be distracted by my phone and instead, give him all my attention. So now it's all weird... hopefully it passes soon! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️