APS or low ovarian reserve?

Alison, 🌈 👶🏻 born 7/26/19

I had two miscarriages one in December and one in April... I just turned 39 in June so Time is obviously not on my side. I had testing done with a RE ... my FSH was high at 16.9 and It should be below 10. My AMH was extremely low at .1 or something like that. Don’t remember the exact number I need to get my records. He basically didn’t seem very positive. He said he’s not telling me to give up, the fact that I have gotten pregnant with these numbers is a good sign however if I wasn’t getting pregnant he basically would tell me to do donor eggs now or adopt. He said he isn’t even sure fertility drugs or <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> would work on me ...ok here’s where it gets a little complicated. I also tested positive for APS twice. It’s a blood clotting disorder where you clot too much and basically your body attacks the placenta and it causes recurrent miscarriage. I met with a hematologist a few days ago and he wants me to retest to make sure in mid September so from now til then I wasn’t cleared to try again until we know for sure Bc if I have it I need to be on blood thinners/ lovenox my next pregnancy. So it’s more waiting ... and I’m concerned with my age my eggs are going to decline even more. My question is , is it the blood clotting disorder or my low ovarian reserve causing the losses?? Have any women on here had both ?? Obviously although not a good diagnoses, a blood clotting disorder is easier to treat then low ovarian reserve. Meeting with a new RE tomorrow to get a second opinion and go over all this. Any advice is appreciated!! Thanks!!