Getting out of a funk

My husband left for the Army back in November and we spent a good 6 months apart.

Fast forward to May of this year we finally get to be a family again. It was hard, but we made it through. Ever since moving to his duty station, I have just been in this funk. I’m not motivated at all, I don’t have a routine, I eat like crap and have gained 10lbs, I just never feel good.

I stay at home with our 1 year old and we just stay inside all day even though there is a park right behind our house :( I feel like a terrible mom. He’s doing fine developmentally, but he needs to be around other children his age and I just don’t use the resources on base. I am like a recluse. I stay home, I barely keep the house clean, i wont work out even though I can do it at home or go to the many gyms on post for free, i barely have energy to sit on the ground and play with my son. I hate myself. I feel like I have lost myself in being a stay at home mom and now I’m having to divide my attention and give it to not only my son, but my husband as well. I don’t know if I am depressed as I’ve never been diagnosed, but I feel like I’m not living. I’m young, I’m not obese, I should have more energy and not need to nap 2x daily just to get through the day. Any advice would be welcome.