How long did it take for intercourse to feel good to you?

Hey, so the reason i ask is because. I've had my sexual debut with my boyfriend this month, i dont think we've even had sex 10 times yet but im so determind for it to feel good i try to keep a positive attitude about it but im worried sex is just not gonna feel very good for me, I have felt some pleasure about an inche or 2 inside but deeper then that its just not as exciting. And when i read about other women having great sex and describe how amazing it feels for them, it just makes feel extreamly jealous and doubt that itle ever happen for me and it makes me want to give up on trying. i dont always feel this way about it but i just want some advice and encouragement about it and to know if anybody else has or is going though something simular. thank you ❤❤❤

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