Maternal instinct or just crazy?

Hey ladies. Could use some advice if I’m being crazy, and how to go about it. It’s regarding my dad.

A little back story, my relationship with my dad is not bad, but complicated. He’s been there my whole life and did a lot of dad things, but he was also an alcoholic. I’ve been tying to work through the affects of his alcoholism. He also has some mental health issues and I really believes it affects his thought process. This has made me reevaluate him and trying to realize he has done his best.

Anyways. I’m 17 weeks pregnant and my dad is excited for the first grandchild. But whenever he asks me questions about the pregnancy, I get really uncomfortable and it kinda freaks me out. He hasn’t asked anything inappropriate. Just stuff like if I feel the baby move yet or if we have thought of names. It just seems creepy to me and gives me a weird feeling. I can’t really put my finger on it.

My husband suggested that maybe it’s some kind of maternal instinct since I wouldn’t trust him with my child.

Has anyone else experienced something where someone made them feel uncomfortable when asking about their pregnancy? How can I go about building a relationship with my dad?