Angry at nothing? I don’t know if it’s hormones or insensitive male?

My husband and I were just chatting- I’m three months pregnant and haven’t been feeling well the past 6 weeks. Nauseous, fatigue, the usual. As a result I’ve let the housework slide and haven’t been cooking as much as I normally do. I still make meals but not as elaborate as they once were. I told him that I had been cleaning up a bit today and he says ‘just don’t let yourself slide into doing nothing all the time’. Later he mentions that he doesn’t know whether I’m actually tired or whether I’ve just started sleeping so much and become used to it now.

When I confronted him and said maybe he should try living in my body for a day to see how he feels he said, maybe I should live in his to see how hard his shift work is. I didn’t think much of this tit for tat attitude and told him as such. SO ladies I need your help, am I being super sensitive about this comment knowing I haven’t been contributing as much to our house or is he being an insensitive jerk?

Thanks for reading!

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