I miss hot sex

just ranting. our sex used to be so hot! It was kinky and he took his time and I took mine. now it happens maybe 3-5 times a month. last about 3 minutes and I get nothing from it. we kiss but never makeout. no more kinkiness or romance. It's all on his time. I'm just so sick of it. But every time I try to hold out I cave when he wants it. even thought I know I'll get nothing out of it. I've tried a change of scenery, lingerie, roleplay and even offered to try my hand at dominance. nothing. I'm so sick of this. he is wonderful in every other aspect but I hate our sex life!!! He will be horny one second and turned off the next. Just a minute ago we were kissing and he wanted to takeout which caught be by surprise but when I went in to do it he didn't want to. now he's asleep. I give up. And we've only been dating 9 months. we shouldn't have the sex life of someone who's been dating for 50 years. ugh. Sorry for the rant.