Married, pregnant, but so lonely.

I’m just writing to get it out of me & maybe even show other moms in similar situations that they’re not alone.

I hate being pregnant. Yes the swelling, weight gain, limited activity & discomfort sucks. But I hate being pregnant only because of my husband. This is our third, and was definitely not planned. My first pregnancy I felt so alone, and when pregnancy #2 happened and went down the same way as the first, I knew I was done doing the whole having-his-babies thing.

Every pregnancy I felt unwanted, unattractive, and misunderstood. He never shows interest in my bump or the baby’s kicks. Doesn’t touch me at all actually. He also doesn’t want sex as much, and when we do do it, he doesn’t do half the things he used to. He just seems to want to get straight to it & be done.

I try to tell myself that I’m beautiful and strong and that I can do this, I can get through this. That I don’t need someone else to make me feel that way, that I just have to believe that I am those things. But I still can’t help but cry when I see posts & pictures of husbands touching bellies, feeling for kicks & punches. Husbands wrapping their arms around their pregnant love of their lives.

Sure, there’s always more to the story. But I just want to share with my fellow lonely moms who feel this sad, that you can get through this. Put your chin up because you are beautiful, you are amazing, and you have the gift of growing your little one inside of you. It’s you that makes you beautiful & strong, not someone else.

Cry when you need to, but get yourself back up, shake off any self pity & keep moving...for you...for baby. Thank you for reading💙