Possible reason for 20wk loss - long post


I’ve had a total of four losses and one live birth ( I hate that term). Two of my losses were at 4 and 6 weeks due to having anticardiolipin syndrome which I need to a daily lovenox injection as well as a baby aspirin for baby to be ok. Fast forward a few months after my second loss and I’m pregnant again but this time I start the shots right away.. 9 months later I have my baby girl who is about to turn two in 2 weeks. Then I fall pregnant again a month before her first birthday (July). I live two hours away from my parents and family as well as my doctors. The doctors in our area as well as the hospitals are horrible so we have to suck it up and drive the 2 hours or stay with my parents over night when need be. My husband also works over there so he commutes daily. Anyway.. in July my husband got a kidney stone for the first time (I get them often) so we had to go to my parents and stay there while he got surgery and recovered because I needed help being a high risk pregnancy with a toddler and a recovering husband. I was also getting ready for my dsughters birthday party which would take place in the same city so we stayed at my parent’s house until pretty much the end of September on and off. Our gender reveal was supposed to be September 23rd but on sept 22nd we found out our baby passed away. It was a boy. We were heartbroken and that same night my daughter had a febrile seizure and had to go in an ambulance to the Er. It was the worst day ever. After everything I had a d&c; and baby boy was perfectly healthy and had died at 12wks but I didn’t find out until 14wks. There was no sign in the tissue as to any abnormalities or what not. He was fine. Well I got pregnant again in January and was doing great until I wasn’t. I was home being a couch potato because I had to be as much on bed rest as I could with a toddler. In April I got a horrible kidney stone that put me in the hospital weekly until my dr said I needed a stent placed to hold the stone in place until I gave birth in September 2018. I then was staying at my parents since the end of March when I was having the pains. Well the stent was placed and I was miserable but I sucked it up. I had an anatomy scan a few days later and baby girl was going crazy as she always did in the ultrasounds. Well she was moving too much so I had to go back to do another anatomy scan to see if she’d cooperate better. I was scheduled for May 16th. She was so good and gave the dr all the angles she needed. She was moving fine all weekend until Sunday the 20th. All of a sudden she was moving a lot less than normal but I thought it was because I was on pain meds. I had an appt scheduled for Monday already for my 20wks so I let it go. I woke up Monday and I didn’t feel pregnant. I felt my bloat was gone. My belly was smaller and I just didn’t feel pregnant. Sure enough my baby girl had died. There was no heartbeat. I was set to be induced on May 24th. My baby girl was born May 25th at 2am sleeping. It was the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever gone through but I couldn’t help but blame myself. What was going on? Why is my body not doing what it’s supposed to? Well fast forward a couple of weeks and we get our daughters ashes. Not to long after the city goes to my parents house and gives them a letter. The letter talked about a chemical that was used by a metal factory that used to be around that area. The chemical got into the soil and water system and the area they live in is possibly contaminated and asked to test the soil. They agreed to it but the neighbors across the street had already gotten the test done and it came back positive. The chemical is not just in the water and soil but is airborne as well. The letter states that the chemical can cause harm (greater chance of cancer and immune deficiencies) to children or adults after a long period of exposure (years) but to a fetus it can cause harm within just days or weeks of the pregnant woman being exposed to it. While I was pregnant with my daughter I NEVER stayed the night there. I’d go the days of my appointments and we head back home right after. I am in shock and my dr believes that this is the cause but the letter came too late to test my baby girl since she’s already been cremated. I can’t help but be angry that things like this happen. My baby should be fine and I should be planning my baby shower not sitting here dreading her due date because I know I’m going to fall apart.