can you get a positive test at 12 days before your missed period?

I just had a feeling I was pregnant. and I have tested and it came back positive?! my period isn't due till the 4th of August? should I believe this or just leave it. has anyone else every had this? what was the outcome please

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Posted at
you are farther along than you think if you've got a positive test 12 days before expected period


Posted at
I guess it depends on your cycle length. Right? I mean a 40 day cycle would have more than a tww after o'ing. So in that context I would imagine it possible, in a "normal" 26-32 days cycle; not likely as implantation doesnt occur until 6-10 dpo causing hcg to be released. possibly a faulty test 🤷‍♀️, either way good luck to you!!


Posted at
I would really depend on when you ovulated and when implantation happened. But yes, it is possible.


Posted at
It's possible you ovulated early! congrats anyway if it is positive!