guess maybe ill keep him..

Sarah • 34, married. 2 boys ages 9 and 7 and baby boy #3 due in January.

last night i wanted a frosty and a burger so bad. he works 2 to 10 and an hour and a half away. so i ask him if he passes a wendys on the way home.. askong for a friend. lol. he said whos this friend.. i said this small avocado size friend.. hes like and what does this friend want. so i tell him and he goes you know the frosty wont make it home with out melting. So im like fine just get me a burger. my husband comes home with 2 large cups and i think he got me a drink too. nope. He had the lady put my small frosty in the big cup and surround the small cup with ice to try and save it. it kind of worked. i love him.