Early pregnancy- confused on next step

Brittany • Married since June 2016, together since 2012, and hoping for a new baby to join our nearly 2yr old son and two chow chows, Ozzy and Leo.


Just found out I'm pregnant yesterday! :)

I'm hoping I can get some personalized information on the next steps for a known high risk pregnancy. This is my first time and they let me know I was high risk way back in Nov. when I went on for a consult with a regular OB and she quickly referred me onto my current high risk doc.

I have a pretty severe autoimmune disease that requires monthly 14hr infusions and a hem-onc disease that I take weekly injections to treat.

I know they'll make me stop the weekly shots as they're unknown in effects to a pregnancy but they'll continue the IVIG infusions.

How soon after a positive test did you tell your other docs? I messaged my OB this morning and the nurse said she'd get back to me to set up an appt later today.

Do they wait the regular 8wks for high risk or do you get seen sooner?

How's the process, personally?

My high risk OB mentioned things back in Nov when I had that initial consult but I've been seeing a colleague of his since then since I've had infertility issues and had to be put on femara to ovulate (too much chemo and steroids during my puberty and on years, my hormones were crazy! Haha).

Any insight would be VERY appreciated. I'm in this weird shock, excitement, and fear stage. Haha.
