In-law situation, am I overreacting?!


Hello ladies,

First time posting here but I could use some advice......

My hubby’s parents are divorced and we have always had some issues with his dad and step mom that have become even more prevalent since we had our son a few months ago. They are the type of people who try to “buy” your love by giving gifts instead of spending time which they have already started doing with our son.

They came to visit when he was about 1 month old and hardly spent any time with us or him at all, choosing to hang out at their hotel instead. It bothered us at the time but we just sort of tried to let it go.

Fast forward to now. My husband was talking to them last night ahead of their planned visit to see us in a few weeks. His dad informs us that they will be here about 3 days and they are taking one whole day to go do a day trip to NYC since they semi close (they have been there probably 100 times before). This really bothered me since I thought the whole point of their trip was to visit with us and our new son.

Am I crazy overreacting or should I say something to them?