I think my husband had sex with me while I was sleeping..

We fell asleep and he was obviously horny bc he kept pushing his dick on my butt, but I didn’t want to have sex bc I was very tired, and bc I’m 90% sure I have a yeast infection and I don’t want to spread it back and forth. So i told him no sex and he groaned and turned the other way. I fell asleep shortly after then woke up at 7. Went pee, noticed there was some hair and a lot of discharge in my underwear... thought the hair was just from the dog bc he was all over me last night but I knew the hair wouldn’t get IN MY UNDERWEAR. Then I realized whenever my husband and I have sex, his pubes get stuck all over me and usually come off in my underwear or when I wipe after using the restroom... and the extra discharge was likely cum due to the color and smell.. so what do I do? He is at work right now and I don’t want to start a big problem while he’s there. Should I bring it up when he gets home..? I feel so disgusting now. But I don’t know how I would have stayed asleep during that....