Open Relationship Help

My boyfriend and I talked about this for awhile, and he kept wavering on the answer so we stopped talking about it. Our sex life went down because of his job and I chatted with him about it. He said how about we take a break for 3 days and I can try things with other guys, because he wants me to be happy. Fast forward, I did try somethings with a guy while drunk. And immediately felt like shit, and never want to be in an open relationship again. I’m not here for people to judge, but he didn’t do anything over the three day break and we are so much closer now but he doesn’t know. He never asked so I just am unsure

of what to say.

I never want to lie. I just am hurting and don’t want him hurt, but he offered for me to try it for a little bit. Ladies what the hell do I do? I’m hurting, and we both know we want to be together forever.

It’s not in the question that we will break up as we’ve been together awhile and both now want exclusive things. Please help. Again, no judgement.

I’m here for help. Ps. We are a lot better now, I just want to be honest.