Relationship standstill

Me and my partners have been together in and off for 2 years. We were perfect for a while (always communicated, never blamed one another). About 3 months in I was raped by a neighbor. Things started to change, he started to say that he didn’t like how I dressed and that everything was my fault. I started getting more insecure. Around 6 months I found out he was talking to someone else to get pleasure from them. I was devastated but I confronted him and we decided to continue our relationship. We have grown a lot but I feel like we don’t connect anymore. It seems like our relationship is 90% guilty and secrets and 10% compassion and security. I feel like we lost each other. The reason is is because I don’t even like to say he’s my boyfriend anymore and he doesn’t seem to acknowledge me anymore. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t know what to do. Any advice to help me understand?